Boxes everywhere. Yes, we are counting down days now. The container arrives at our home on Saturday next. That's in seven days. We had friends come over yesterday and help us bring down the plethora of boxes and sundry from the attic. We are most definitely moving!
Last night, our church family threw us a most wonderful goodbye party. I am stuck for words when I try to think of how to write what God has done in our lives through these precious people. Through His church here in Ireland. We are deeply changed and enriched and forever grateful that they embraced us as their own.
Yesterday also was Ryan and Lauren's last day of school at Scoil Eoin Phoil. Ryan has spent seven years with his classmates and Lauren, four. It was a bittersweet day, full of laughter, parties and goodbyes. We are indeed grateful for the principal, teachers and families who have been a part of our lives during our time with them.
A few pictures ~ starting at the very beginning...
Ryan & junior infant (kindergarten) classmate Eoghan during their very first sports day.
Lauren (just turned 3) on same day with Ryan's classmates, Aaron & Ross.
Ryan, now age 12, leaving for school last week.
Lauren (2nd from left) and classmates at a goodbye party they surprised her with on Wednesday. She loved every minute.
Ryan's classmates gathering around him yesterday for a final emotional goodbye. The goodbyes and hugs went on for some time...
Soon new adventures await. But until then, in the midst of the boxes, we are living each last day here in Ireland with gratitude and tear filled joy.
30 June 2007
12 June 2007
Our most beautiful daughter who is full of laughter and life is nine today. Happy Birthday sweet girl!!
P.S. The Italy trip was brilliant! A very sweet time away for Rod and I. Plus the country is so incredibly beautiful. It was a dream trip for me. A gift...
Here are some pictures of stunning Italy and a few of us too, enjoy!
21 May 2007
A full weekend. Full of friends and celebrations. Eating gorgeous cakes and french pastries, made by the beautiful Argentinian, whose birthday we celebrated. Eating biscuits and drinking tea at the parish centre after watching many friends make their communion. Drinking coffee (me) and jumping on bouncy castles (Lauren) at communion parties that afternoon. Having Ciara over on the Sunday to shop and then go to the birthday gathering. And as always on the weekend, spending the Sunday morning with those we love most here in Ireland, our church family. A weekend of friends and celebrations.
Lauren hugely enjoyed the communion day on Saturday. Not only did she get to be involved in the mass, but she got to do parties afterwards as well. Every child had a party in the afternoon, and since Lauren didn't make her communion and we weren't throwing a party, she was free to just go play! Perfect... (pictures)
At the end of the mass, before the kids got up to sing their final song, the parish priest began to speak about how people may have noticed that there was a girl there that day who had brought up a gift and would sing in the choir, but wasn't all in white, etc. He said her name was Lauren and that she wasn't Catholic, but that she wanted to support her friends and be involved with them and how she was such an integral part of their class. So he was welcoming her and her family on this day. You can imagine how surprised we were. All her classmates were grinning hugely at her... and i think she just sat there in shock. We were so proud of her at that moment. Knowing, on so many different levels, how significant that statement was. Many a conversation was had after the mass and at the parties that stemmed from Father Hurley's words. It was a rich day.
And now the weekend is over. And in three days time, my husband and I are getting on another oh, so comfy, Ryan Air flight and flying (sans children) to Italia!!!!! I'm assuming that most of you taking time to read my words, know how hugely excited I am about this trip. The one place I've really wanted to go before we leave Europe. And that is an understatement. This holiday is a gift to me from my husband. He is good to me. And many of you as well, have been a part of the journey in freeing me to go. Thank you.
And when we return, we will then go about living our final month here in Ireland, full of people and parties and packing and percipitation (mainly from my eyes...). Again, most of you know that leaving this country and the people that I love here is deeply painful to me. And yet, most of you know... my God. And that there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. And that He delights in bringing beauty to all things. And so, even now I can say with certainty that before I leave and when I am gone, for all of us, there will be much more laughing and dancing and also weeping and mourning, because this is life and it will continue on. And He longs for us to experience it in all it's fullness. For that is one of His many gifts to us. And this time in my life is nothing, if it is not full... in all it's simplicity and complexity. It is full. And it is good. Because He is.
18 May 2007
Tomorrow my daughter's class is making their communion. This is quite the big deal for her whole class, they have been preparing for this day for ages. All her friends are talking about what they're going to wear. And what they are going to wear is white. White dresses, white shoes, white gloves, white bags, white things in their hair, etc. White. As Lauren is the only one not making her communion, she gets to choose something different. So yesterday we went shopping. We had much fun, mother and daughter, searching for a dress with colour. Just for her.
Now those of you who know my daughter know that dresses wouldn't be her attire of choice. However, she most definitely loves to twirl (like her mom...) once she's in one. Or should I say, dance (again, like her mom...). It was quite the delight watching her finger the fabric and hunt for that perfect dress. I must say she has good taste (again, like her... ahha!).
So the short story is, we found a colourful, fun dress plus sandals and she loves them. Tonight as she was holding the dress while twirling around, she had a conversation with her dad about how beautiful the dress was, how beautiful she was and how beautiful it was when the former was on the latter. I can't recount this word for word, but the bit that made me laugh was her question. Her dad had said, that with the dress on, she was absolutely stunning. He had also said, when she asked, that without the dress on, she was totally beautiful.
So her logic led her to ask ~ "So which is better? Absolutely stunning or totally beautiful??"
She is.
04 May 2007
Tomorrow Ryan will be twelve. Wow. And tomorrow we will all be on a plane flying to Germany, so today was the party. Perfect party, as it was open day for Spiderman 3. So we took 16 kids and an extra adult friend and went to the movies! Ryan has made some great friends over these past years. They are good kids. And they are part of answered prayer for our boy. Of which we are so grateful.
I would be more prolific about the night, the film, the kids, etc., but we are leaving on a jet plane way too early in the morning. And, no news here, but we're not fully packed. Thinking it will be another late night. Auf Wiedersehen...
P.S. Is a post script proper blog ettiquette?
P.S.S. I've been wanting to write about our church's weekend away. So I will real quick... Every year our church (Dublin West) goes out to the country for a weekend. Hence the title 'weekend away'. A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I (Rod was in the States) journeyed to Ovoca Manor in Avoca and had a few wonderful days away with our church family. These weekends are always a special time with one another. God meets us in significant ways every year. Plus there is always a massive amount of laughter with this group! We love them deeply. And have been blessed much through them. I have recently posted our weekend away photos on flickr. I hope they will give you just a small glimpse into our family here. Enjoy!
P.S.S.S. I guess now I should finish packing?
13 April 2007
Ooh, I'm tired. But content. We had two of Ryan's friends over the last few days and they were great. They basically did boy stuff... which included throwing a broken VCR out the window (the window, the second story window, with a heave and ho and a mighty throw, they threw it out the window... anyone??) and smashing it to pieces on the ground with a sledge hammer. I liked that bit... hit it a few times myself, I did. Maybe that's why my back's a bit achy today?
The biggest part of the two days though was the filming of Ryan's latest script, The Sorrows of War. Rod took them scouting for locations on the Wednesday and on the Thursday we did the actual filming. It was hard work, but brilliant fun. So proud of those boys!! Rod was the cinematographer, except during his two cameo roles, a prisoner and a dead man respectively, I held the camera. I also acted as the script girl (helping with dialogue and such), the water girl, the prop girl, the 'good work lads!' girl, etc.
At this moment, Ryan is in the other room editing it with sound effects. So cool. He hopes to show it at our church weekend away, next weekend. It's been a joy for Rod and I to watch this come to fruition, to watch Ryan pour himself into this project. To see him discover that he can bring the pictures that live in his mind to life.
Of course, I took tons of still pictures as well. And some day I'll get them up on flickr. Preserving memories takes work! ha...
And one last thing I have to say, just cause... I'm going to see Madeleine Peyroux in concert tonight at the Olympia!! With my two jazz friends... who make me laugh and bring beauty to my life. Two of my favourite things...
12 April 2007
09 April 2007
New flickr pics...
In February, the kids had a week off school and we spent a few days playing tourist. Much fun, that! Here's some pics of our tourist day in Dublin and more of us spending the day in Co. Meath at Trim Castle. Enjoy! (plus extras I've taken of our beautiful island, added to at random...)
06 April 2007
I like him.
30 March 2007
Three gorgeous girls. Two Irish, one American. Which equal three classmates and friends. One of the things I have grown to appreciate about Irish schools, is that in the primary (elementary) years, you stay with the same class through all eight years. There is a growing together in their classes that is unique to the way that I grew up through school. I have watched relationships develop, bullies become friends and so much more. It has been a joy to watch these kids journey together.
For Lauren we are in part of the journey that is 2nd class (3rd grade). And since Scoil Eoin Phoil is a Catholic School, this is the year they take their first penance and first communion. Ryan was the only one in his 2nd class who didn't take first communion and in Lauren's class there are two others. But something that has been important to us from the very beginning, is an entering in to all that goes on with their class. And so, we have been involved as fully as possible in these important events in the lives of their friends. The principal and teachers know our family and our desire to take part, so Ryan and Lauren have sung in the ensembles and have been given various other small supportive roles during the mass. Many conversations have been started and friendships furthered through our continued involvement, for which I am grateful.
The above picture was taken on Wednesday night at the local parish church where Lauren's friends gave their first penance. One thing I must say about my daughter (of course, I'm not biased in the least!), is that she has been given a joyful heart which overflows to those around her. It delights me to see her give of herself, to see her encourage her friends as they nervously wait their turn to see the priest, to see her give them a thumbs up and a huge smile when they return to their seats. It delights me to sit next to her and have a quiet running conversation throughout the whole event, during which I hear her communicate her understanding of Jesus' role in her forgiveness. It delights me hearing her sing next to me with such fervor. It mostly delights me to be with my daughter in her world. With the privilege of watching how she interacts with those around her, impacting just by her presence. It was a sweet night.
And for the record, she herself has stated that she wants to wear a dress for her friend's coming first communion. Amazing, but true. Hannah (the girl in the middle of above picture) said in astonishment, "And I've never seen Lauren in a dress!".
17 March 2007
It's Saint Patrick's Day!
My dear friend, Lori, is here with us from California. And being that it's a big day in Ireland, we had to take her into the city to experience the parade and all the colour and craic that go along with the Irish and their celebrations. Of course, there are also tourists here from all over the world, which only add to the colour. It was a grand day! Perfect in every way... the rain even held off, mostly. Took tons of pics, and will post them on flickr, but for now, just wanted to say, La Fheile Padraig Shona Duit!
01 March 2007
Dickens, Charles & Fleming, Ian
It was World Book Day today. And world book day at Scoil Eoin Phoil means a day of costume. A day looked forward to for weeks ahead of time. On this day, if one chooses, one can put together and wear a homemade costume of a favourite book character. Which not only means wearing something fun, it also means not wearing a uniform. And that's something to get excited about! I won't go into all the details and the discussions that ensued prior to the day, but this morning they went out looking grand and came home having had a great day. Lauren even won first prize, second year running, in her class. Last year she was a blond hair Oliver (twist) and this year she was a dark haired Dodger (of same Dickens fame). And Ryan? Well he was none other than Bond, James Bond.
More pics here...
And now in the kitchen, while I'm typing, James is playing the trumpet and Dodger is dancing to Louis's 'When The Saints Go Marching In'. They not only crack me up, but they create their own craic all by themselves. Which brings a smile to my face.
29 January 2007
She's back?
I used to be quite the cyclist. When I was in my early 20's, oh so long ago. There was nothing quite like being on my bike. The freedom of movement, the wind through my hair (that was before helmets) and just the joy of feeling like I was flying. I used to look at every road with the thought of how the bike would feel on it. But then came finals. I was at art/fashion school at the time and our finals were intense and very hands on. I remember pouring over my books and seeing my bike out of the corner of my eye (in the big room), wanting to get on it and ride away. But I knew I needed to focus and I knew that I wouldn't come back if I actually began to ride. Just for a few weeks, I told myself. Leave it for a few weeks. Well, for whatever reason, I never got back on my bike after that. It's not that I didn't go for a jaunt now and then, but it wasn't with the previous passion and dedication.
Somehow one gets out of the habit. Sometimes other things are of more importance or circumstances create obstacles that stand in the way. But then when things settle and there is room to breathe, the ease with which one rides or writes may be lost. Or the belief that one can write or have anything of value (or not) to say may disappear. And the excitement which with one began, may wane. Feeling that this writing is a way to connect with those we love over land and sea, I find it an important habit to build into my life. Plus, it's just good for me to write. So, I push through the resistance and put fingers to the keys. And see what comes out. Trusting that you know me enough to make sense of it all.
It isn't always as easy as just getting back on one's bike...