Today is Rod's 15th annual 29th birthday!!!
We're all so thankful he was born...
Today is Rod's 15th annual 29th birthday!!!
We're all so thankful he was born...
Oh... and did I mention my mom is coming for a much anticipated visit? She is! She will be landing (flying in from Dubai, but that's another story...) in a mere three hours and we are a happy family. And our two children have the fortune of being released from school an hour early today because of teacher meetings, so they won't have to wait quite as long for that 'one of a kind' grandma hug. I love having my mom here... can you tell?
Crisp, cold, colourful Autumn. The leaves floating on the wind. So beautiful. It gets dark quite early now. I love being in our warm home while the light fades... listening to jazz, preparing dinner, dancing around the kitchen... okay, that's probably more than you needed to know! It's the small things that thrill me. And it's also the small things that remind me (which I desperately need) time and again that He loves me. He chooses so often to communicate that truth through intimate details to me. For that, I am thankful. He whispers to my heart through music, through beauty, through the movement of my body, through the smell and taste of good food and through the multi-coloured leaves softly falling from the towering trees. Through His creation...
He whispers His love to me through people as well. His creation. And depending on the person, sometimes it's more than a whisper! ha... I'm thinking through different interactions I've had with people this past week. People that I met for the first time, co-workers with whom we labour and play, friends who know the intimate workings of my heart, etc. All of them beautiful.
You prayed for our meetings with our GEM YM co-workers. Thank you. God met us there. In the intimate details. We were of like mind and heart. Precious, precious gifted people. Each one. I am so thankful for what God is doing in GEM YM, how He is stretching and growing and changing us. As painful as the process can at times be, He is reminding me of His love and purpose in the midst of it all. And He often reminds me of that truth through His people. In the midst of our interaction or in just catching a glimpse of their journey. He is at work!
But here is a thought. To be able to glimpse those intimate details, I must have the ability to see. More than myself. And to hear. More than just my convoluted thoughts. And to taste, touch and smell. There have been many times, and continue to be times, when I am so immersed in myself that I am unable to be touched by the falling of the leaves or the expression of grief from a friend. Because I am not looking, by either choice or inability. Father, give me eyes to see. For when I see, even a little, there is such beauty expressed by Him for me.
Such as this past week. In the midst of change and transition and progress and loss, I am finding beauty. It unfolds gently... Tender moments of His reminding me that all of this life is in His care. That I am in His care.
A bit distracted this morning. So much to do, but having a hard time focusing on any one thing. Do you ever feel like that? Oh, and the kids have been off school all week, which adds to my inability to focus. ha!
I had a most fabulous time at the Guinness Jazz Festival in Cork this past weekend. So wonderful to relax with friends. We laughed alot, cried some, talked continually, shopped a bit, ate much gorgeous food, drank lovely coffees and of course, listened to exceptional music. There is something about sitting with live music that touches the depth of me. There were tears at times, simply because of the beauty. I came away refreshed.
And came home to my family and to their halloween preparations. So cute... Lauren had been working on banners and posters and Ryan had made tombstones out of cardboard for the front garden. We spent the Tuesday carving pumpkins, roasting seeds (yum!), cutting boards to mount the tombstones on, making fake blood (Ryan), spreading spiderwebs across the front of the house, etc. Quite the fun day. This is the first year the kids have gotten so into doing the decorating thing. Rod and I just helped where needed. It was all Ryan and Lauren's initiative. It was also the first year that Ryan went out by himself, so to join up with his own friends from school. We were thrilled for him. And reminded that they are growing up! I went out with Lauren and some of our neighbours as we wandered around our estate, doing the trick or treat thing. It was a great family day... (pictures on the flickr site)
Which brings us to today. Rod is at the airport right now, waiting to collect someone coming in from America, who is flying in to join us for a significant few days. The GEM Youth Ministry team, coming from Ireland and various other countries, is gathering together in our home on Monday and Tuesday of this week. We are coming together, so to work through the future direction of GEM YM. Would you pray with us during these next few days? As we seek what God would have for us as a team and as individual families and ministries? Thank you...
I have much to do to prepare the house for the meetings and for the guests staying with us. And my distracted state isn't helping! So I will end this here, and prepare to welcome our first guest (Rod's on his way home now), and then... take one little step at a time, trusting in God's provision, for all of these things.